Possible Mortal Sins Checkoff List
FIRST COMMANDMENT -- I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before Me. [Exodus 20:2,3]
1 Did you only worship the One True God?
1 Did you put faith in Occult Ideas, or practices?
1 Did you put your faith in Agnosticism?
1 Did you put your faith in Astrology?
1 Did you put your faith in Atheism?
1 Did you put your faith in Black Magic?
1 Did you put your faith in Divination?
1 Did you put your faith in Eastern Philosophies?
1 Did you put your faith in Good Luck Charms?
1 Did you put your faith in Horoscopes?
1 Did you put your faith in Hypnotism?
1 Did you put your faith in New Age Philosophies?
1 Did you put your faith in Ouija Boards?
1 Did you put your faith in Paganism?
1 Did you put your faith in Palm Reading?
1 Did you put your faith in Seance?
1 Did you put your faith in Sorcery?
1 Did you put your faith in Superstitions?
1 Did you put your faith in Tarot Cards?
1 Did you put your faith in Voodo?
1 Did you put your faith in Witchcraft?
1 Did you join a Schismatic Group?
1 Did you join the Freemasons (Masons)?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with another secret society?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Gay Rights Groups?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Planned Parenthood?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Pro-Abortion Groups?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Pro-Choice Groups?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with the ACLU?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with the Communist Party?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with the Socialist Party?
1 Did you join a Schismatic Group?
1 Did you join the Freemasons (Masons)?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with another secret society?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Gay Rights Groups?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Planned Parenthood?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Pro-Abortion Groups?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with Pro-Choice Groups?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with the ACLU?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with the Communist Party?
1 Did you join, contribute to, or sympathize with the Socialist Party?
1 Did you commit Simony (Buying or Selling Spiritual Objects)?
SECOND COMMANDMENT -- Thou shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. [Exodus 20:7]
2 Did you commit Blasphemy (words of Hatred or Defiance towards God)?
2 Did you seriously slander or insult a Sacred Person or Object?
2 Did you use God‘s name as a Curse?
2 Did you use God‘s name ONLY reverently?
THIRD COMMANDMENT -- Remember that you keep Holy the Sabbath Day. [Exodus 20:8]
3 Did you Desecrate the Holy Eucharist (SACRILEGE)?
3 Did you do unnecessary compensated Labor on Sunday, for a long time?
3 Did you Fail to Fast from Food and Drink for 1 hour before Communion? (Water and Medicine is permitted)
3 Did you Fail to Receive Holy Communion during Easter time? [Same as Comd. #2 above]
3 Did you intentionally Eat Meat on the Fridays of Lent or on Ash Wednesday?
3 Did you intentionally Fail to Fast on Ash Wednesday or Good Friday?
3 Did you miss Sunday Mass or a Holy Day of Obligation without good reason?
3 Did you receive Holy Communion in a state of Mortal Sin (SACRILEGE)?
3 Did you Require employees to work on Sundays in non-essential occupations?
FOURTH COMMANDMENT -- Honor thy Father and thy Mother. [Exodus 20:12]
4 Did you fail to Love, Help, or Obey your parents?
4 Did you ever seriously wish Death or Evil upon your parents?
4 Did you seriously Neglect the religious education and morals of your children?
4 Did you physically or mentally Abuse or seriously Neglect your children?
4 Did you Fail to Baptize your children within a few months of their birth?
4 Did you seriously Neglect the Duties of you state in life?
FIFTH COMMANDMENT -- Thou shall not kill. [Exodus 20:13]
5 Are you guilty of Bigotry (hatred of other races, nationalities, or religions)?
5 Are you guilty of Pride or Arrogance [Deadly Sin-- PRIDE]?
5 Did you Abuse Alcohol (Willful Drunkenness)?
5 Did you Attempt, or Intend, to Commit Suicide?
5 Did you commit Self-Mutilation (Cutting, etc.)?
5 Did you fail to eat properly and become anorexic, through Vanity?
5 Did you have a ‘Selective Reduction‘ of babies in the womb?
5 Did you intentionally place temptation before a weak person?
5 Did you kill anyone?
5 Did you Loose Your Temper to an extreme [Deadly Sin-- ANGER]?
5 Did you promote or involve yourself in Euthanasia?
5 Did you promote, advise, or have an Abortion?
5 Did you Seriously Entertain Thoughts of Suicide?
5 Did you take or sell Illegal Drugs?
5 Did you unjustly Injure another physically?
5 Did you unjustly Injure another verbally?
5 Did you willfully engage in an Unjust Lawsuit?
5 Did you willfully Fail to Bury the body, or the ashes of the dead?
5 Do you have a piercing of the nipples or sexual organs?
5 Do you have excessive Body Piercing?
5 Do you have excessive Tattoos?
SIXTH COMMANDMENT -- Thou shall not commit Adultery. [Exodus 20:14]
6 Acting Immodestly, or Carrying oneself Immodestly
6 After encountering Immorality, failed to request a refund, or cancel a subscription
6 Allowing your heart to Stray from your spouse
6 Are you guilty of Polyandry (many husbands)?
6 Are you guilty of Polygamy (many wives)?
6 Are you guilty of Transvestitism (Cross Dressing)?
6 Are you guilty of Wife Swapping (or ‘Swinging‘)?
6 Did you Cohabitate (live together) before Marriage?
6 Did you commit Adultery (by having sex with a married person)?
6 Did you commit Fornication (by having sex before marriage)?
6 Did you commit Incest (sex with a family member, near relative, adopted family member, or in-law, of the same or opposite sex)
6 Did you commit Onanism (Withdrawal for Contraceptive purposes)?
6 Did you commit Pedophilia (sexual touching or act, with a minor)? (Minors are persons under the age of Majority, and vary from State to State, from young teens to age 18.)
6 Did you commit Rape (forced sexual contact with another person)?
6 Did you dwell on Impure Thoughts for the purpose or Arousal?
6 Did you engage in Artificial Insemination?
6 Did you engage in Fertility Testing involving Immoral Acts (Masturbation)?
6 Did you engage in Homosexual Acts?
6 Did you engage in In-Vitro Fertilization?
6 Did you engage in or support Human Cloning?
6 Did you engage in other Impure Acts with yourself?
6 Did you engage in Surrogate Motherhood?
6 Did you guilty of Dressing Immodestly, in a flagrant way?
6 Did you have a Surgical Sterilization (Vasectomy, or Tubes Tied, etc.)?
6 Did you have Anal Sex, or other degrading sexual practices?
6 Did you have impure or violent sexual fantasies, asleep or awake?
6 Did you love sex (or food, etc.), excessively? [Deadly Sin-- GLUTTONY]
6 Did you Lust in the Heart ('I would if I could') [Deadly Sin-- LUST]
6 Did you Masturbate?
6 Did you practice Natural Birth Regulation, even with your spouse?
6 Did you practice Natural Family Planning even with your spouse?
6 Did you practice Natural Fertility Regulation, even with your spouse?
6 Did you practice the Rhythm Method of Birth Control, even with your spouse?
6 Do you have a sexual Fetish?
6 Have you allowed another to Arouse you, who‘s not your spouse?
6 Have you caused sexual climax, other than Intercourse?
6 Have you Dressed Immodestly, to Arouse another, not your spouse?
6 Have you engaged in, promoted, or used Prostitution?
6 Have you read Sexually Explicit Materials?
6 Have you touched another to cause Arousal, who’s not your spouse ?
6 Have you viewed Pornography?
6 Have you watched Impure Television, Movies, or DVD‘s?
6 Use a contraceptive device (condom, diaphragm, or intrauterine device)?
SEVENTH COMMANDMENT -- Thou shalt not steal. [Exodus 20:15]
7 Are you guilty of Excessive Waste or Expense?
7 Are you guilty of Fraud, Embezzlement, or Ponzi Schemes?
7 Are you guilty of Price Fixing or Collusion?
7 Attachments to persons or things
7 Have you been Seriously Cruel to animals?
7 Have you Blackmailed anyone?
7 Have you Bribed anyone, or accepted a Bribe?
7 Have you committed Forgery?
7 Have you Defrauded creditors?
7 Have you Defrauded workers of their just wage?
7 Have you Denied Help to the poor, needy, or destitute, even though capable?
7 Have you Enslaved anyone?
7 Have you Gambled to Excess and harmed your life or your family‘s life?
7 Have you padded your Expense or Per Diem Account?
7 Have you Pirated computer software, or bootlegged movies or DVD‘s?
7 Have you Received, Concealed, Bought, or Sold Stolen Property?
7 Have you Stolen a large sum or money, or a valuable item?
7 Have you Stolen something Consecrated to God, or from a Holy Place?
7 Have you Stolen your employer‘s Time, by serious failure to do your work?
7 Have you Taken Advantage to the poor, simple-minded, or the inexperienced?
7 Have you Violated copyright laws?
7 Have you willfully Defaced or Destroyed another‘s property?
7 Have you willfully Failed to Make Restitution for a stolen or destroyed item?
EIGHTH COMMANDMENT -- Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor. [Exodus 20:16]
8 Are you an Accomplice to another‘s Grave Sin?
8 Did you Bear False Witness [not under oath] against anyone?
8 Did you bear false witness [under oath is Perjury] against anyone?
8 Did you seriously Wish Evil upon another person?
8 Did you Withhold a Serious Sin (SACRILEGE), or lie in Confession?
8 Exaggerating the Truth
8 Failing to Restore the Good Name of others you’ve Injured Verbally
8 Have you engaged in Calumny (telling the faults of someone, that are untrue)?
8 Have you engaged in Detraction (telling the true gossip faults, unnecessarily)?
8 Have you told a large or premeditated Lie?
8 Have you Violated the Confidence of someone without good reason?
NINTH COMMANDMENT -- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. [Exodus 20:17]
9 Are you guilty of willful Desertion?
9 Are you guilty of willful Divorce?
9 Did you Lust after someone else’s wife?
9 Did you willfully Lust after another? [Deadly Sin-- LUST]
TENTH COMMANDMENT -- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. [Exodus 20:17]
10 Did you Seriously Covet your neighbor‘s possessions?
10 Are you guilty of Serious Avarice or Greed? [Deadly Sin-- GREED]
After completing the above reflection, help yourself prepare for a general confession by reviewing the below.
Also, don't forget to always confess all Venial sins that you might have committed-i.e., ingratitude, reckless driving, selfishness, rudeness etc.
By command-telling one to sin _____ Times.
By concealment- covering up the sin for another _____ Times.
By consent- agreeing with the sin _____ Times.
By counsel-talking one into sin _____ Times.
By defense of the ill done- rationalizing the sin done or will be done _____ Times.
By partaking- approving sin by assisting in it _____ Times.
By praise or flattery- congratulating the sin committed by others _____ Times.
By provocation- to pressure one into sin _____ Times.
By silence-by not speaking up against the sin _____ Times.
Commandments of the Church
Defrauding laborers of their wages. _____ Times.
Despair-to believe that god will refuse to forgive you _____ Times.
Duties of Husbands and Fathers
Duties of Wives and Mothers
Envy at another's spiritual good _____ Times.
Final impenitence-refusing to accept God's mercy at moment of death _____ Times.
I accused her wrongfully _____ Times
I am guilty of calumny-telling lies about one another _____ Times.
I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
I ate meat on days of abstinence, without permission or necessity. _____ Times.
I boasted of sins of impurity _____ Times a day_____ a week.
I broke the fasts of the Church _____ Times.
I brought dishonor to family, school, community, or the Church _____ Times.
I carried stories and caused trouble _____ Times.
I caused my children to disobey and dishonor him _____ Times.
I caused others to be drunk _____ Times.
I caused others to become angry _____ Times.
I caused others to break the fasts of the Church _____ Times.
I caused others to eat meat on days of abstinence _____ Times.
I caused the death of another by negligence _____ Times.
I caused them to be angry: I grieved them _____ Times a day, or week.
I cherished hatred to others _____ Times.
I committed homosexuals actions _____ Persons_____ Times.
I committed immodest acts alone _____ Times.
I cursed in the hearing of the young _____ Times a week, or month.
I cursed my wife _____ Times a week, or month.
I cursed others by saying: God damn you _____ Times a week, or month.
I desired the death of others _____ Times.
I did not instruct them in their religion _____ Times.
I did not support them _____ Times.
I disobeyed my husband _____ Times.
I disobeyed my parents/teachers/leaders in important matters _____ Times a day, or week.
I encouraged detraction or calumny, or listened to it with complacency _____ Times.
I engaged in servile works on Sunday and Holydays without necessity _____ Times a week, or month.
I failed to correct their faults _____ Times
I failed to defend my neighbor’s character _____ Times.
I failed to make reparation for sins of tongue _____ Times.
I gave liquor to those drunk _____ Times.
I gave my children bad example _____ Times
I gave them bad example _____ Times.
I grieved, abused, struck my wife _____ Times
I had impure desires _____ Times a day
I had premarital sex, including oral sex, intercourse, impure touching of another _____ Persons_____ Times.
I have been guilty of detraction (telling an unkind truth about another) _____ Times.
I have had an immoderate desire for earthly goods _____ Times.
I have had an inordinate desire for revenge _____ Times.
I incited my brothers and sisters against them _____ Times.
I interfered with their religious vocation _____ Times
I interfered with their religious vocation _____ Times.
I kept or wasted my wages I should have given to them _____ Times.
I kept, showed, looked at immodest pictures/pornographic material _____ Times a week.
I led others to commit sin, by word or example _____ Times.
I missed Mass on Sunday & Holydays through my fault _____ Times a week, or month.
I missed my daily prayers _____ Times a week, or month.
I neglected my yearly confession and Easter Communion _____ Times.
I neglected them in sickness, in death _____ Months _____ years
I neglected to correct my children _____ Times.
I neglected to instruct them in religion _____ Times
I neglected to pay my bills, just debts, amounting to $ _____, _____ Times.
I neglected to provide for my family _____ Times
I neglected to write them, or send them help _____ Months _____ years.
I neglected, when able, to support the Church _____ Times.
I read immodest books, papers, or writings _____ Times.
I refused to speak or to be reconciled to others _____ Times.
I sang or listened to immodest songs _____ Times a day_____ a week.
I seriously injured my neighbor’s character, by publishing his secret faults_____ Times.
I spent a great part of these days in sinful occupations _____ Times a week, or month.
I spoke immodestly in the hearing of _____ Persons_____ Times a day.
I spoke without necessity of the known faults of others _____ Times.
I stole goods to the amount of $ _____, _____ Times.
I swore by name of God (Blasphemy) _____ Times a week, or month.
I swore by name of Jesus (Blasphemy) _____ Times a week, or month.
I talked against the Church, priests, or faith _____ Times a week, or month.
I talked of his faults to my children or neighbors _____ Times.
I told a deliberate lie to the injury of my neighbor _____ Times.
I told lies _____ Times.
I took pleasure in impure thoughts _____ Times a day.
I took rash and unnecessary oaths _____ Times a week, or month.
I unjustly deferred the payment of their wages $ _____, _____ Times.
I Used illegal drugs _____ Times.
I used insulting language to them _____ Times a day, or week.
I was angry _____ Times.
I was distracted _____ Times a week, or month.
I was drunk _____ Times.
I was envious _____ Times.
I was guilty of excessive materialism _____ Times a week, or month.
I was guilty of gluttony _____ Times.
I was guilty of immodest acts _____ Times.
I was guilty of immodest looks _____ Times a week
I was guilty of malice (deliberate choice of evil) _____ Times a week, or month
I was guilty of the sin of Onanism (masturbation, withdrawal method) _____ Times.
I was late for Mass by my own fault _____ Times a week, or month.
I was lazy and idle _____ Times.
I was proud _____ Times.
I was quarreling or fighting _____ Times.
I was slothful in religious exercises _____ Times.
I was yearning for impure pleasures _____ Times.
I wasted time for which I was paid work, value of $ _____, _____ Times.
I went to immodest places of amusement _____ Times a week.
I went to places of false worship _____ Times a week, or month.
I've broken promises deliberately _____ Times.
I've used or approved of artificial birth control _____ Times.
Nine Ways of being Accessory to Another's Sin
Obstinacy in sin-refusing to stop known sinful behavior _____ Times.
Oppression of the poor. _____ Times.
Presumption of God's mercy-sinning and saying God must forgive me _____ Times.
Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath Day.
Seventh Commandment and Tenth Commandment
Sixth Commandment and Ninth Commandment
The Four Sins Crying to Heaven for Vengeance
The Seven Deadly Sins
The sin of Sodom. (unnatural sex) _____ Times.
The Six Sins against the Holy Ghost
Third Commandment
This list also includes Imperfections, which are not sins at all. ’Imperfection’ is not a technical Church term. Whether an act or omission rises to the standard of a Venial Sin, or not, is sometimes hard to distinguish. Consequently, this list includes Venial Sins and other imperfections, without attempt to distinguish between them.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
To attack as false or questioning the known truth. _____ Times.
Willful murder (including abortion) _____ Times.
Venial Sins and other Imperfections
Venial Sins, (Lesser, Non-Mortal Sins that will not condemn you to Hell), do not have to be Confessed in Confession. It is a good idea to Confess them, since any Venial Sins will require time in Purgatory.
Possible Venial Sins & Other Imperfections
1 Acedia (Spiritual Sloth or Laziness)
1 Are you guilty of Apostasy (Declaring to leave the Church)?
1 Ashamed to Bless Yourself, before Grace, when eating out in public
1 Attended a Catholic/non-Catholic Wedding in a non-approved setting
1 Attended a Wedding for a Divorcee before the death of the first spouse
1 Being Angry at God
1 Being Embarrassed at being a Catholic
1 Being willfully Distracted at Mass
1 Being willfully Distracted during Prayer
1 Caring more about what others think, rather than what God thinks
1 Did you believe you were better, or smarter than God?
1 Did you deny the Faith of the Catholic Church?
1 Did you despair of God’s Mercy?
1 Did you fail to meet you Yearly Obligation of Confession, (Easter Duty)?
1 Did you Fail to Pray to God for an extended period of time?
1 Did you fail to receive Holy Communion once per year, (Easter Duty)?
1 Did you give greater love to anything other than God?
1 Did you receive illicit Non-Emergency ‘General Absolution‘?
1 Did you receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in a state of Mortal Sin?
1 Did you, or do you, hate God?
1 Disparaged the Church because of the recent sex scandals and cover-up
1 Entertaining Thoughts Against the Faith
1 Fail to genuflect (bend one knee) before entering the Church pew
1 Fail to genuflect at the name of Jesus
1 Failure (Not Seriously) to Fulfill the Duties of one’s State in Life
1 Failure to Accept Suffering
1 Failure to accept that each person is personally responsible for his own sins
1 Failure to accept that Our Merciful God allows people to go to Hell
1 Failure to Accept Unconditionally the True Teachings of the Catholic Church
1 Failure to bow, remove your hat, or Bless Yourself, etc, when passing a Church
1 Failure to Defend the Church when it’s being Ridiculed
1 Failure to Evangelize
1 Failure to Examine one’s Conscience Daily
1 Failure to Learn about the Teachings of the Church
1 Failure to Offer-Up Suffering
1 Failure to Pray Daily
1 Failure to Pray when Tempted
1 Failure to Support the Church by Volunteering tour Time or Skills
1 Failure to support the Church Financially
1 Giving in to Depression or Self-Pity
1 Having a Lukewarm Relationship with God
1 Indifference or Ingratitude towards God
1 Not Loving God with your Whole Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength
1 Not Trusting God
1 Not trying to grow Spiritually, and settling for mediocrity
1 Not trying to Practice frequent Remembrance of God’s Presence
1 Playing Dungeons and Dragons, or similar games
1 Presumption (commit a Mortal Sin, presuming Absolution)?
1 Putting Off Confession needlessly
1 Refusing or Denying the Mercy of God
1 Tempting God
1 Trying to Control Things, rather than Seeking God Will
1 Were you Married (Sacrament of Matrimony) in a state of Mortal Sin?
1 Were you married by a Justice-of the-Peace (without Dispensation)?
1 Were you married by a minister (without Dispensation)?
1 When voting, fail to consider the Moral standings of Politicians
2 Cursing thoughtlessly
2 Irreverent, Improper, or Inappropriate use of Scripture
2 Speaking Badly about the Church
2 Telling Irreverent Jokes about Sacred Persons, or Objects
2 Using the Lord’s Name in surprise, or anger (without thinking or habitually)
2 Using the names of Saints, the Blessed Mother, or the Pope Irreverently
2 Vulgar or Inappropriate Language
2 Cursing thoughtlessly
2 Irreverent, Improper, or Inappropriate use of Scripture
2 Speaking Badly about the Church
2 Telling Irreverent Jokes about Sacred Persons, or Objects
2 Using the Lord’s Name in surprise, or anger (without thinking or habitually)
2 Using the names of Saints, the Blessed Mother, or the Pope Irreverently
2 Vulgar or Inappropriate Language
3 Allowing Sports or other schedules to dictate the Sunday schedule
3 Arriving Late to Mass, or Leaving Early, without good reason
3 Being Irreverent at Church
3 Desecrating Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation by Sinful Amusements, or Inappropriate Entertainment, Keeping Bad Company, or Impure Thoughts
3 Doing Limited Non-Essential Labor on Sunday
3 Failure to Pay Attention, or Participate at Mass
3 Failure to reserve Sunday for Family or Recreation
3 Failure to spend extra time on Sunday in Study of the Faith, or Prayer
4 Being Too Lax with Rules, Boundaries, and Discipline
4 Being Too Strict with Rules, Boundaries, and Discipline
4 Breaking Just Civil Laws without serious reason
4 Did you Fail to Carry-out the Last Will of a deceased parent?
4 Did you seriously Disobey or Disrespect supervisors or authorities?
4 Did you seriously Fail to Care for your aged parents?
4 Failed to lead your children to Mass, Communion and Confession
4 Failing to be a Good Example to your family
4 Failure to Help the Elderly or Handicapped
4 Failure to properly Respect Parents or Authorities
4 Failure to spend significant quality time with your children
4 Failure to Teach your Children Adequately about God, or their Spiritual Life
4 Feeling Ashamed of or Embarrassed about your parents
4 Fighting with Brothers, Sisters, or Relatives
4 Has your wife unnecessarily taken employment away from home, and children?
4 Hired others for the care of your children, without good cause
4 Lack of Gratitude toward your parents
4 Making Fun of the Handicapped or Elderly
4 Meddling in the Affairs of Married Children
4 Nagging your Spouse or Children
4 Non-serious Disobedience to parents or those in authority
4 Not Praying for those Entrusted to Your Care
4 Not Praying for those in Authority over you (Parents, Teachers, Employers, etc.)
4 Not trying to Cultivate Peace in your family
4 Spoiled or Pampered your children, instead of giving them attention & affection
4 Taking advantage of others for your own selfish purposes
4 Taking one’s Spouse for Granted
4 Treating Adult Children like Minors
4 Treating those under your authority Disrespectfully
5 Abusing your Medications
5 Anger
5 Do you refuse reasonable care that could save your life?
5 Driving Carelessly
5 Driving while Intoxicated
5 Excessive playing of Computer Games
5 Excessive use of the Internet
5 Excessive Watching of Television
5 Failure to accept that a fetus, from conception onward, is a real human person
5 Failure to Apologize
5 Failure to Care for one’s Health
5 Failure to Pray for Deceased Parents or Relatives
5 Failure to Pray for Sinners
5 Failure to Respect the Dignity of others
5 Failure to Respect the Dignity of Yourself
5 Failure to take Required Medications
5 Fighting or Arguing over slight matters
5 Habitual Lack of Punctuality
5 Harboring a Grudge
5 Intemperance (Overeating or Drinking Too Much)
5 Keeping Bad Company
5 Lack of Custody of the Eyes (Looking Inappropriately at others)
5 Laziness
5 Listening to Bad Music
5 Playing Computer Games that promote Sex or Violence
5 Preference for Designer Label Clothes
5 Prejudice
5 Procrastination
5 Refusing to Forgive Another
5 Rudeness
5 Seeking Revenge or Retaliation
5 Selfishness
5 Smoking or Chewing Tobacco
5 Stubbornness without good reason
5 To a lesser degree: Pride, Boasting or Arrogance
5 Treating others Unjustly
5 Unnecessarily risked your life or the life of another
5 Using Obscene or Vulgar Gestures
5 Using the ‘silent treatment’ on others
5 Vanity
5 Violating Friendships
5 Watching Television, Movies, or DVD’s that promote Sex or Violence
5 Willfully doing things to others to Anger them
5 Wishing Evil Upon another
6 Dressing somewhat Immodestly
6 Failure to Respect Persons of the opposite sex
6 Seeking Wrongful Attention from another
6 Selfishness in Marital Intimacy
6 Treating others as Objects
7 Squandering Money on needless items or pursuits
7 Theft of small or inexpensive items
7 Wasting Time
7 Willful Failure to Return Borrowed Items
7 Failure to keep a promise
7 Failure to Pay Debts Promptly
7 Failure to Practice Charity, or to Help the Poor
8 Flattery
8 Being Negative, Critical, or Uncharitable in thought, about others
8 Being Unjustly Suspicious
8 Bragging or Boasting
8 Cheating at Games or School Work, etc.
8 Complaining, whining, or Seeking Attention
8 Gossiping
8 Lying
8 Making Rash Judgments
8 Speaking Unkindly to, or about others
8 Spreading Rumors
8 Talking behind another’s back
9 Looking at Immodest Pictures or persons
9 Brief Entertainment of Impure Thoughts, or Fantasies
9 Not trying to Control your Imagination
9 Playing with Temptation, or Curiosity about Temptation
9 Telling or Listening to Impure or Vulgar Jokes or Stories
10 Attachments to Riches or Material Goods
10 Desire for the Goods of Another (Mild Jealousy)
10 Failure to distance yourself from the world’s wealth (Mild Greed)
10 Materialism
10 Not Trusting that God will provide All Material and Spiritual Needs
10 Sadness or Anger at the Good Fortune of Another (Mild Envy)
Source: Teach Peace Foundation
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