Here are 8 signs of witchcraft's progressive influence through her fiery darts. It starts with discouragement and can end in defeat if not stopped.

1. Discouragement
2. Confusion
3. Depression
4. Loss of vision
5. Dsorientation
6. Withdrawal
7. Despair
8. Defeat

Witchcraft is insidious. It seeks to control and destroy your life.It seeks to find your vulnerabilities and then move in for the kill shot. You must recognize it. There are times that depression may just be a medical condition requiring treatment at some level. But there are also times that depression is linked to an attack of witchcraft.

The 8 conditions mentioned above are progressive. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if it is an attack of witchcraft. Not every attack or challenge in your life is witchcraft. But then some may be.

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